Member Privacy and Data Protection

On this page you can find details about LATE’s General Data Protection Policy, Conference and Seminar Photography and Filming Policy, and the Privacy and Data Protection Policy for Conference Speakers.

We take data protection and the privacy of our members very seriously.

Our website does not collect cookie data on you.

General Data Protection Policy of the Latvian Association of Teachers of English

  1. LATE collects and stores the following information about members: full name, personal code number, e-mail address; contact phone number; and the organization you are affiliated with.
  2. This information is stored securely at the LATE office and electronically on a membership list.
  3. Only the LATE President, Membership Services Coordinator and Secretary have access to this information for the purposes stated in points 4 to 6 below.
  4. We will only use your e-mail address to contact you about LATE’s events (seminars/conferences/workshops/projects and job vacancies) and other matters of interest regarding your membership of LATE and other opportunities which might arise.
  5. We will only use your phone number to contact you if e-mail contact has failed.
  6. We will only use your personal details [name/personal code number] to complete certificates for LATE’s events [conferences, seminars and other LATEs events].
  7. We will never pass on or sell your e-mail address or personal information to a third party without your consent.
  8. You will have to confirm that you agree to this policy if you register for LATE events (e.g. Annual conference) and when you renew your membership.
  9. If at any time you wish to withdraw consent then please e-mail us and we will erase your data from our records.
  10. You have the right to access a copy of the data which LATE holds on you – e-mail us for an electronic copy if you wish to check the information on record.

Latvijas Angļu valodas skolotāju asociācijas vispārīgās datu aizsardzības politika

  1. LATE apkopo un saglabā šādu informāciju par dalībniekiem: pilns vārds, personas kods, e-pasta adrese; kontakttālruņa numurs; un organizācija, ar kuru esat saistīts.
  2. Šī informācija tiek droši uzglabāta LAVSAs birojā un elektroniskā formātā, izmantojot dalībnieku sarakstu.
  3. Tikai LAVSAs prezidente, pasākumu koordinators un sekretārs var piekļūt šai informācijai 4. līdz 6. punktā minētajiem mērķiem.
  4. Jūsu e-pasta adrese, tiks izmantota tikai lai sazinātos ar jums par LAVSAs pasākumiem (semināriem / konferencēm / kursiem/projektiem un darba vakancēm) un citiem jums interesējošiem jautājumiem un iespējām, kas varētu rasties saistībā ar jūsu dalību LAVSĀ.
  5. Jūsu tālruņa numurs tiks izmantots, lai sazinātos ar jums, tikai ja neizdosies sazināties pa e-pastu.
  6. Jūsu personas dati [vārds, uzvārds / personas kods] tiks izmantoti tikai lai sertifikātos apstiprinātu jūsu dalību LAVSAs pasākumos [konferencēs, semināros un citos LAVSAs pasākumos].
  7. Mēs nekad nenodosim un nepārdosim jūsu e-pasta adresi vai personisko informāciju trešajai pusei bez jūsu personīgās piekrišanas.
  8. Jums būs jāapstiprina, ka piekrītat šai politikai, kad reģistrēsities LAVSAs pasākumiem (piemēram, ikgadējai konference) un kad atjaunosiet savu piederību LAVSAi.
  9. Ja jebkurā brīdī vēlaties atsaukt piekrišanu, tad, lūdzu, nosūtiet mums e-pastu, un mēs dzēsīsim jūsu datus no mūsu ierakstiem.
  10. Jums ir tiesības saņemt kopiju par saviem LAVSAs rīcībā esošajiem datiem – nosūtiet mums e-pastu, lai saņemtu elektronisku kopiju, ja vēlaties pārbaudīt ierakstā esošo informāciju.

LATE Conference and Seminar Photography and Filming Policy

During the Annual Conference and Seminars, LATE takes photographs of presenters and members of the audience to use for promotional/record purposes on LATE’s website [] and in promotional material. These photographs are displayed on the website without names or other identifying information.  By applying to attend the Annual Conference or other LATE Event you agree that LATE can take photographs of you as an attendee of the LATE event and LATE can use these photographs on LATE’s website and in other promotional material without your name or other identifying information as specified above.

LATE Privacy and Data Protection Policy for Conference Speakers

  1. LATE collects and stores the following information about Conference Speakers: full name; e-mail address; contact phone number; and organization you are affiliated with, as well as a short one-page CV.
  2. This information is stored securely at the LATE office and electronically on a conference documentation.
  3. Only the LATE President, Membership Services Coordinator, Secretary and Website co-ordinator have access to this electronic information.
  4. However, your full name, affiliation and conference abstract will be published on the LATE website conference page and in the Conference Programme.
  5. Your CV will be shared with RIIMC – Education and Information Services of Riga City for Conference certification purposes.
  6. We will only use your e-mail address to contact you about the conference.
  7. We will only use your phone number to contact you if e-mail contact has failed.
  8. We will only use your personal details [name] to complete certificates for LATE’s events [conferences, seminars etc.].
  9. We will never give or sell your e-mail address or personal information to a third party, except as mentioned in Points 4 and 5 above.
  10. If at any time you wish to withdraw consent then please e-mail us and we will erase your data from our records and website etc.
  11. You have the right to access a copy of the data which LATE holds on you – e-mail us for an electronic copy if you wish to check the information on record.