We are glad to announce that the LATE Teacher Experience Exchange 2023 event will take place online on Saturday, 28th January from 9:00 – 10:15. LATE would like to say thank you to the teachers who agreed to share their experience and worked out materials. Click here for the programme.
This is a free event for LATE members and if you wish to attend the event please sign up by the 26th January here: https://ej.uz/Experience_Exchange1
The Zoom link for the event will be sent to your provided e-mail 1-2 days before the event.
If you do not hold a current LATE membership, register for the event and pay 25 Eur (non-refundable) by 26th January to join LATE and you will be able to attend the LATE online Teacher Experience Exchange Event and take the advantage of the benefits of being a member of a professional community, receiving the most up-dated information and the chance to participate at the professional events and projects for EFL teachers and students for free or at a discount fee.
Your membership will be confirmed in a few days’ time after the payment has been received and will be valid until August 2023.
Latvijas Angļu valodas skolotāju asociācija
Reģ.Nr.: 40008001377
Norēķinu rekvizīti: AS Swedbanka
Konts: LV86HABA000140J051530
Maksājuma mērķis: €25 – LATE Membership
Category: Uncategorized
Seminars – October and November 2023
We had a series of three seminars for High School teachers by Robert Buckmaster as part of our programme to support High school English teachers in Latvia.. These were: Teaching Presentation Skills, Teaching Essay Writing, and Creating Posters.
Winter Training Day 2023
30 Years Together: Looking Forwards – Professional Perspectives.
Our sixth annual Winter Training Day was held on Wednesday the 4th January 2023.
Teachers who participated in all the sessions received a Teacher Professional Development course certificate for 8 hours.
This was a free online event for LATE teachers. You can see the programme here.
LATE/Pearson Reading Circle
We would like to offer you the chance to participate in the LATE/Pearson project “Reading Circle” that was advertised during the LATE Conference.
Successful applicants will be able to read:
A) Grades 3 and 4 (Young Learners Reading Circle) – 6 books;
B) Grades 6, 7 and 8 – 8 books;
C) Grades 10 and 11 – 4 books during the school year 2022./2023.
The teacher will receive a set of 16 books to read together with the students. It is teacher’s responsibility to send the whole set of books to the next school on time and if a book is lost or damaged, it is the teacher’s responsibility to replace it.
If you wish to participate in the project, please fill in this application form by 7th September: https://ej.uz/RC_2022
You will receive the notification if your application has been successful by the 10th September. Successful candidates will be asked to attend a Zoom meeting before the start of the project.
ICT Course

Latvian Association of Teachers of English in cooperation with the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) invites active teachers/ teacher trainers to participate in the teacher professional development course “Use of ICT in Support of Language Teaching and Learning” (16h).
Course duration: 21-22 June 2022
Venue: Riga Teika Secondary School, Aizkraukles Street 14, Riga
The course will be conducted by the ECML experts Sarah Heiser from the UK and Joseph Hopkins from Spain.
The course will be held in English and there are only 25 places in the group, so participants will be asked to share their acquired knowledge and expertise in the regional teacher professional development events and/or LATEs events/conferences.
You can see the programme here.
Applicants will receive a confirmation e-mail by 2nd June.
Course participants will be asked to share their opinion on the use of ICT and the data will be used in the Joint Doctoral Programme “Education Sciences” research of the University of Latvia. All research data will be used only in the anonymized form and processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Latvian Association of Teachers of English in cooperation with the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) invites active teachers, teacher trainers, language test developers and curriculum developers to participate in the teacher professional development course “Alternative, Continuous Methods of Assessment in Line with the CEFR and the Companion Volume” (24h).
The RELANG course is implemented in cooperation with the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) and is supported by the European Commission.
Time: 13-15th June 2022
Venue: “Bellevue Park Hotel Riga” Slokas iela 1, Rīga
The workshops will be conducted by the ECML experts José Noijons (Netherand) and Gábor Szábo (Hungary).
Description of the course:
In this three-day workshop, language test developers, teachers, teacher educators, textbook writers and curriculum developers together with RELANG team members will explore different forms of alternative assessment, such as portfolio-based and project-based assessment, including self-assessment: Assessment in line with the descriptor scales in the CEFR and the Companion Volume and preferable in local contexts. Practical tips and tasks such as integrating assessment into teaching activities on a regular basis, designing approaches to assessment which support students’ learning and engaging students as active participants in the assessment of their work will be presented and discussed. Materials will be developed that are adapted to the specific context of the interested member states, focusing on developing students’ awareness of learning expectations and criteria for success.
The course is free for the participants and will be held in English. There are only 25 places in the group, so participants will be asked to share their acquired knowledge and expertise in the regional teacher professional development events and/or LATE’s events/conferences.
You can see the programme here.
Course participants will be asked to share their opinion on the use of ICT and the data will be used in the Joint Doctoral Programme “Education Sciences” research of the University of Latvia. All research data will be used only in the anonymized form and processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
“Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG)”
This initiative is carried out within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the European Centre for Modern Languages and the European Commission, entitled
Innovative Methodologies and Assessment in language learning
Annual Conference
LATE’s 30th Anniversary Conference “30 Years Together. Looking Backwards. Looking Forwards.” was held on the 17th and 18th August 2022 at Jaunmārupe Elementary School, Mazcenu aleja 3, Jaunmārupe.
You can read all about the conference on our Conference page.
Svešvaloda II (angļu valoda)
LATE’s Curriculum for Year 12 is designed in thematic blocks and enables teachers to achieve the learning outcomes and goals defined in the standard, by using modern, internationally recognized and tested advanced level foreign language teaching materials, developed by experts in the field of English as a foreign language from Pearson, Oxford University Press, Express Publishing, National Geographic Learning and Macmillan. Teachers can add appropriate literature to match the interests and future needs of students. You can access the curriculum and read about the back ground to this project here.
LATE’s 30th Annual Conference
Our Annual Conference will be held on the 17th and 18th August in Riga.
The conference title is: 30 Years Together. Looking Backwards. Looking Forwards.
This will be a special celebration of our 30 years, so mark the dates in your diary, and we will see you there.