Setting Goals; Meeting Goals – Whose Responsibility is it?
29th December 2021; Zoom.
LATE News and December TPDD 2021 opening by Inga Linde (LATE President)
The New Year 12 Writing Tasks
by Robert Buckmaster (LATE Vice President and ELT Consultant)
In this session we will look at the new Year 12 writing tasks and some ideas of how to best prepare our students for these.
Optimal Level Examination in English: Overview and Recommendations
by Tatjana Kunda (VISC)
During the presentation we will look into the structure and demands of the new examination in foreign languages: English at optimal level. Particular attention will be paid to the assessment of speaking and writing skills.
Learner and Teacher Autonomy: Learners Responsible for Learning. Teachers Responsible for Teaching.
by Jennifer Uhler (Regional English Language Officer for Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, and Greenland | U.S. Embassy Tallinn)
Learner autonomy does not mean giving up control of the classroom to chaos. This presentation focuses on defining learner autonomy, looking at appropriate learner and teacher roles in the autonomous classroom, and providing examples of activities and approaches that support independent learners ready to take ownership of the language learning experience. Finally, the presenter will draw parallels with teachers’ roles in educational institutions and offer practical suggestions for reflective teaching and professional development.
U.S. Embassy programs for High School Teachers and Students in Latvia
by Laura Lucaua (Country Representative, American Councils for International Education), Jānis Zeimanis and Guna Savicka (U.S .Embassy program Alumni) and Iris Willey (U.S. Embassy Riga Public Diplomacy Officer)
FLEX exchange program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and is a merit-based scholarship for students to travel to U.S., live with host family, attend U.S. high school for full academic year. The Online Professional English Network (OPEN) Program offers foreign English teaching professionals the opportunity to take innovative, online university-level classes and online professional development programming for teachers. The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (Fulbright TEA) brings international, secondary-level teachers to the United States for a six-week professional development program.
LATE’s Advanced Level Curriculum
by Rita Skara-Mincāne (LATE Board member) and Inga Linde
Discussions about the draft of the Advanced Level Curriculum. Teachers will be able to express their opinion, share experience and provide suggestions.
This was a free training event for LATE members.
You can download the event programme here.
Teachers who participated in all the sessions received Teacher Professional Development certificates for 8 hours.